Hot tubbing is an increasingly popular activity among people who want to relax and enjoy a hot bath. While it is a great way to enjoy some downtime, taking certain precautions before taking a dip is important. One of the most important is showering before you enter the hot tub, as it can help keep the water clean and free of bacteria. Learn why when it comes to hot tubs, you must shower before entering and how to develop a hot-tub showering routine. 

What is Hot-Tubbing? 

Unless you have been living under a rock, hot tubbing is where you’re soaking in hot water. It can be done indoors or outdoors, in a hot tub, or simply in a bathtub filled with hot water. There are plenty of benefits, as it can help you relax and unwind, relieve stress, improve circulation, and even help with joint pain. It is an enjoyable activity and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, it is important to take certain measures before entering the hot tub to ensure your safety and cleanliness of the hot tub. The most important of these is showering before you enter the hot tub. 

The Benefits of Showering Before Hot-Tubbing 

Showering before hot-tubbing helps to ensure the water remains clean and free of bacteria. It also helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent illness.  

Keeping the Water Clean 

The most important reason to shower before hot-tubbing is to clean the water. As hot tubs are often shared among multiple people, there is a risk of contamination from sweat, dirt, or oils from other people’s skin. Showering before you enter the hot tub helps to keep the water clean and free of bacteria and other contaminants. It also helps to reduce the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance of the hot tub. 

Maintaining Healthy Skin 

Showering before entering the hot tub also helps to maintain healthy skin. Hot tubs are often treated with chemicals such as chlorine or bromine to help keep the water clean. These chemicals can irritate the skin, especially if you are already prone to skin issues such as eczema or psoriasis. By showering before you enter the hot tub, you can help rinse off any dirt, sweat, or oils that could irritate the skin. 

Preventing Illness 

Hot tubs can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other pathogens. Without proper maintenance, these pathogens can spread and cause illnesses such as athlete’s foot, skin, and ear infections. Showering before you enter the hot tub helps to prevent the spread of these pathogens and keeps you healthy. 

Developing a Hot-Tub Showering Routine 

Showering before hot-tubbing is important, and it is best to develop a routine to ensure you do it every time. Start by setting aside at least 10 minutes to shower before entering the hot tub. See what you should be doing here.  

Selecting the Right Soap & Shampoo 

When showering before hot tubbing, selecting the right soap and shampoo is important. It is best to use a soap or shampoo that is specifically designed for use in hot tubs. These products are specially formulated to help keep the water clean and free of bacteria and other contaminants. Make sure to rinse off the soap and shampoo thoroughly before entering the hot tub.  

Washing Hair & Body 

When showering before hot-tubbing, washing your hair and body is important. Start by washing your hair with shampoo, then rinse it off thoroughly. After that, use soap to wash your body and get all the nooks and crannies. Finally, rinse the soap and shampoo completely before entering the hot tub. 

Rinse Thoroughly 

It is important to rinse off both your hair and body completely before entering the hot tub. It helps to remove any soap or shampoo residue, which can irritate the skin and cause it to dry. It is also important to rinse off any dirt, sweat, or oils from your body, as these can contaminate the hot tub and make it unsafe. 

Hot tubbing is a great way to relax and unwind, but it is important to take certain precautions before entering the hot tub. Showering before hot-tubbing is one of the most important, as it helps keep the water clean and free of bacteria, maintain healthy skin, and prevent illness. It is also important to select the right soap and shampoo, wash your hair and body thoroughly, and rinse off the soap and shampoo completely. By developing a hot-tub showering routine, you can ensure you take these steps each time before entering the hot tub.