A tooth is just one small part of the body but when it hurts due to bacterial infection, decay or impacted wisdom tooth growth, your whole body will feel the negative effect. It can even affect your mood for the day or productivity at work.

That is why it is important that you manage the pain of a toothache before it gets worse. Some would say that a regular painkiller would do, but effective painkillers need a doctor’s prescription. And why would you spend money if you can get one without spending?

A visit to your kitchen will do the trick!

Believe it or not, saving yourself from discomfort lies inside your kitchen. To help you, here are the effective pain remedies to manage your toothache that you can find in your own home:

  • Salt-water gargle

Salt and water solution is a common antibacterial solution throughout the world and it is also used as the first line of treatment for sore throat. Its antibacterial property is also effective for treating tooth pain. It also reduces inflammation and heals oral wounds.

Just add a half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and gargle it.

  • Vinegar water gargle

Like salt and water solution, vinegar-water also has antibacterial properties that heal the wound, lessens inflation and mildly numb the pain. This toothache solution is more common in Asian countries but is also done by few European nations.

Avoid putting too much, a teaspoon in a glass of water would do

  • Cold compress

A cold compress is also effective to manage the pain. This is particularly helpful for impacted wisdom tooth that causes swelling in the jaw.

Use an ice pack but if you do not have one, crushed ice covered in a towel is good enough.

  • Garlic

Fresh raw garlic is another solution to your aching tooth because of its antibacterial properties. When a garlic is crushed, it releases an enzyme called allicin, which is responsible for its aroma. This also helps kill bacteria and viruses. Since it is easily available, garlic is a common solution for pain relief.

You can mince or crush cloves of garlic, mix it with a bit of salt or oil, and dab it on the affected area. Alternatively, you can slowly chew a clove of garlic.

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda hasplenty of uses and one of them is it can be used as a mouthwash. This common baking ingredient has antibacterial property that fights the causes of a toothache. It can also be used as toothpaste which helps remove plaque, whiten teeth and deodorize the mouth.

Just dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of water, or mix it with oil and salt if you want to make a paste.

  • Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract contains alcohol which helps numb the pain in your mouth. It also deodorizes your mouth, making yourself feeling fresh.

Just put a few drops of vanilla extract on a cotton ball then dab it on the affected gum area.

  • Peppermint tea bags

Do you have a spare of peppermint tea bags after your daily tea time? Don’t throw them yet because you can use it to manage your toothache. It is effective in numbing the pain and soothe sensitive gums.

You can either keep the bag warm or cooland then rub it on your tooth.

A Visit to a Dentist

Once the pain is already manageable, visit the nearest dental clinic to check for the underlying reason on why your teeth are aching. You’re lucky if it is just a simple infection or decay but if it is an impacted wisdom tooth, then you probably need a surgery.

Wisdom tooth removal in Singapore, USA, Japan and other first world country has great oral maxillofacial surgeons that could assist you with your problem. They are experts in issues related to hard and soft tissues in the face mouth and jaw, so you know you are in good hands. You can look for the nearest oral maxillofacial clinic near you to assess your dental health.

Solutions to your problems are easy to solve especially when it is just a hurting tooth. Be sure to check your kitchen for these ingredients and try them whenever your teeth hurt.

About the Author:

Kimpy Oliver is a health enthusiast that writes for several website to spread the importance of dental health and care. He is currently working for a team of oral maxillofacial doctors to help people with their oral problems.