Energy prices have been on the increase for a while now and show no sign of slowing down. The environmental cost of energy is also increasing, so it is only appropriate that we should be turning our attention to renewable energy and the various sources that are available to us as an alternative. Some of these sources may not be as easy to access as others, but new avenues are opening up all the time.

Fortunately, there are a few different ways in which you can power your home, and even your business, thanks to renewable energy systems.

Solar Panels

Solar panels offer a great source of renewable power, and as renewable energy sources, this is one of the most common and logical choices. Solar panels are attached to the roof using the appropriate orientation and latitude so that they can generate the appropriate amount of power. This is then used to produce free heat from the sun and heat your water. Around 70% of your energy costs could be saved by using a solar thermal hot water system to heat your water. And thanks to incentives put in place by the government in 2013 domestic solar panel installation is becoming increasingly more affordable.

Wind Turbines

When out driving in the countryside or even on the coast you are likely to have seen wind turbines dotting the skyline. If you have ample room on your property, then you could choose to install a small turbine of your own. Whilst this source of renewable energy is also free, after the initial outlay, it is not really suitable for built-up residential areas, the turbines are a bit of an eyesore and they are noisier than you might realize which is why they are really only found in open fields with little residential property nearby.

Hydro Power

Another possible renewable energy source that may work for some people is hydropower. However, this is really only suitable for those people who have a property with a source of naturally flowing water. There is some work involved in setting this type of energy source up; the water source will usually need to be diverted in order for it to flow through a turbine and therefore produce sufficient power for your home. Obviously, the volume of the water flow and its vertical distance need to be considered, but it is best to seek professional help to set this up.

Combined heat and power

This is in fact, an incredibly efficient source of energy; typically, it has an efficiency of over 80% and can certainly increase security in your fuel supply. CHP, as it is known for short, is the synchronized production of usable power and heat within one single process. CHP is highly efficient and is a great way to make use of heat that could otherwise have been wasted from the production of electrical or mechanical power. This meets addition power needs without the need for any further fuel to be used. This is a very practical choice for many businesses as it allows them to reduce their energy costs whilst improving their environmental performance.

Whether you are ready to make the leap to a renewable energy source or would like to discuss it with a someone who can give you advice regarding the most appropriate type for your needs then why not get in touch with a company like JCH London, who offer a variety of renewable energy solutions.